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        2019-09-07 17:54:02


          Liu Zhong-Cheng was born in 1966 at China Xi’an city. His family was known for Chinese traditional medicine. His capping name given upon other artist in China was Bi-An’ Xian San (meaning Master Bi’An) and San-pu. He is an independent traditional Chinese art scholar.
          Mr.Liu’s art was inspired by his uncle. Mr.Liu also got inspired Chiang-An style of Chinese art and study western art (especially watercolor art) by himself.
          Mr.Liu’s art roots in China, however; it also combines western mid 19 century Realism into his paintings. He loves to travel around the world and so he believes in the beauty of natural. He particularly loves the mother earth and her incredible landscape. He believes there are spirits in every life and he can convey the spirit via painting. He was known and master in drawing flowers, birds, and mountains and sometimes people. Also, he has in-depth study in Chinese calligraphy scripts. He has an old style in writing calligraphy scripts yet different from the others. His artworks have great impacts on west part of China and the artworks are being extoled by many Chinese art enthusiasts. However, he does not enjoy being “famous”. Even though his artworks had being awarded several times in China and Chinese art enthusiasts start to value his artworks. He still wants to be in subtle and keeps his art works as it is.

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