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        2017-11-27 16:03:30



            (3/10)代英伦《人群之八》48×58cm 纸本水墨 2017年

            (4/10)第二表面 Second Skin 装置 Rosalyn Driscoll

            (5/10)李岩《形之声-3》 90x70cm 艺术微喷 2016年


            (7/10)夏强《冬日》系列组画15×20cm×5 版画 2016年

            (8/10)熊敏 《一方水土系列之一》 1800×60×16CM 陶瓷 2017年

            (9/10)长喙麻鹬 布面丙烯 Long Billed Curlew 50x60cm Joe Fay

            (10/10)ParksReece 天堂和欢乐 HeavenAndMirth Lithograph 34x64cm 2011

            主办单位:中国当代艺术研究院 、188艺术仓库 、上海浦东新区摄影家协会 、上海中心 承办:人民数字-上海 、美国驻华大使馆 、美国黄石亚洲计划 、美国蒙大拿州艺术委员会







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          2017年11月25日 上海


          马精虎 《不染》污染系列8  143×100.5cm 布面油彩 2017


          刘耘非《故苑---后庭花》布面丙烯158x226cm 2015年

          作品描绘故苑春暖花开,满园春色,心情荡漾的卿卿我我。 “后庭花”本是一种常在江南庭院中栽培的花,故称“后庭花”。因陈后主填词《玉树后庭花》而出名,更因杜牧《泊秦淮》:“商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花”而闻名天下。

          夏强 《现实与理想究竟有多远》   44x33cm 铜版 2012  


          熊敏 《一方水土系列之一》 1800×60×16CM 陶瓷 2017年


          代英伦 《人群之八》 48×58cm 纸本水墨 2017年


          Rosalyn Driscoll 《第二表面》  装置  

          Roselyn Driscoll

          Famous sculpture and installation art artist, USA

          Roselyn used to working in Yale University Art Gallery and Brattleboro Museum and Art Center, as acting director, curator, board member. Driscoll’s work explores the inner dimensions of experience—somatic, imaginative, and spiritual—by focusing on the bodily senses of touch, movement and proprioception. Many of her sculptures may be touched as well as seen. Her deep exploration of the somatic senses includes engaging with other artists, scientists, engineers and people with disabilities. She presents at conferences worldwide, and writes about touch, the body and perception in arts. She is a member of Sensory Sites, an international collective based in London committed to making multisensory art.

          Her works has great influence in the United States and around the world. She has repeatedly won the British and American art awards. Now she has representation in the United States, Britain, France and China.

          Joe Fay《长喙麻鹬》  50x60cm  布面丙烯

          Joe Fay

          Famous Contemporary Artist, USA

          Born in 1950 , and now is a professional artist and currently resides in Livingston, Montana.

          Fay attended San Diego State University. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree and graduated with honors and distinction. He used to teach in the Otis Art Institute.

          His creations are mostly Acrylic, Lithography and Sculpture. His works have more purified illustration in the respect of contemporary context. Recently Fay has had two very successful and critically acclaimed exhibits at the prestigious Craig Krull Gallery in Los Angeles, California.  His work was also featured in two exhibits in China with one of his works being acquired for the permanent collection at the Jiu Quan Museum in Western China.  Fay’s artworks and public sculptures are included in many museums, as well as corporate and private collections in the United States, Europe, China, and Japan.

          ParksReece 《天堂和欢乐》 34x64cm 2011年

          Born in Wilkesboro, North Carolina Parks began finger painting at the age of three under the tutelage of his mother, Gywn Reece and Ruth Faison Shaw. Parks continued his education at the prestigious San Francisco Art Institute which included an independent study semester at the University of South Carolina, Aiken. He ultimately earned a BFA in Printmaking. During more than 40 years of experience of creation, Parks established his unique style of art. The Los Angeles Times said “An untamed imagination…take a walk on the wild side with alchemical artist Parks Reece…trained as a fine artist, he gleefully dances on a razor’s edge between art and kitsch, tweaking our notions of reality with wit and beguiling us with mystery.” Parks’ work has been exhibited, and is in private collections across the United States, Canada, Europe, China and Japan. His work has been published in many publications.

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